A Do It Yourslef Guide to using your Essential Oils for Pretty Much Everything



Everyone Loves a good Essential oil Roller, They are easy to make, even easier to apply, great for on the go, and you can customize them all day long. Here are some top favorite recipes and links to get the supplies you need.

Lets Start with the Basics. . How to make a Roller

 ● Grab yourself some 10 Ml Roller Bottles This is my favorite place to purchase rollers and other oil accessories.

● Add the # of drops of essential oil the recipes call for. A Typical Roller will be anywhere from 25%- 50% Essential oil and than fill the vial the rest of the way with carrier oil. I Prefer to use Young Living V6 Carrier but a high quality grapeseed oil, almond oil, fractionated coconut oil. . even olive oil will work fine

● Pop the roller top on (and make sure it’s tight) and then apply liberally to your feet and spine for therapeutic support, or your wrists and neck (like perfume) for emotional support, or anywhere really that you need for some physical support.

Get Happy Roller

Speaking of Happy. . .How about a “Happy” roller! Essential oils are amazing to support you emotions, so if your day has got you down make this roller and apply to your wrists and neck for some super uplifting aromas. 12 drops Joy and 6 drops Orange, top with carrier.

Work it out Roller

Great for applying both Pre and Post workout to help support your muscles, joints, and ligaments!

10 drops Panaway, 10 drops Frankincense, 10 Drops Copaiba top with carrier.

This is a personal favorite of mine and can be applied anywhere on the body that is in need!

Wellness Roller

6 drops each of Thieves, Frankincense, and Lemon and 3 Drops Oregano – fill the rest with carrier oil. Apply to feet and spine morning noon and night if you feel like your immune system needs a strong kick in the pants. Great for these long winter months when you want to stay happy and healthy!

Diffuser Recipes

Diffusing is the Easiest way to get started using your oils.

Here are some fan favorite Diffuser Recipes

Feel Good


Needing a extra kick in the Happy pants?

Maybe it’s the Winter Blues, maybe you just woke up on the wrong side fo the bed this morning. . .

Whatever the reason if you want to feel uplifted and amazing take 3 drops Valor and 3 drops Citrus Fresh and add them to your diffuser and ENJOY!


Sometimes us Mama’s need a little TLC emotionally.  This blend can be used help maintain feelings of Love, relaxation and Joy.

After-all, being a Mom isn’t always easy, and we need to make sure that we take care of ourselves just as much as our kiddos.

Diffuse this Happy Mama blend ,3 drops Stress Away, 2 drops Joy when your feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed or underappreciated.


3 drops Sleepyeyez and 2 drops Lavender and 2 drops Cedarwood is an amazing blend to help your littles ( or yourslef) have a wonderful nights sleep. This blend will knock your socks off and get you away from counting sheep and back to hours of good quality sleep.

If Florals aren’t your Jam. . .

Try 3 drops Cedarwood and 2 drops Orange for an Earthy and sweet blend that is also great for supporting sound and soothing sleep.


Wanting to wake up and feel stong and confident about your day?

Diffuse this powerful blend for inner strength, grounding and centering so that you can radiate positivity and success all day long.

3 Drops Frankincinse 3 drops Valor


Get e’ery thing checked off your “to do” list with this motivating blend of woodsy and earthy oils.

2 drops Believe, 2 drops Envision and 1 drop Live with Passion encourage the brain to focus on positive outcomes and to have inner faith and belief that you CAN do it!

Featured DIY with your Oils

 Your Skin is a big deal – literally.  Its your largest organ and one of the most complicated. It plays many roles in the maintenance of life and health. Your Skin absorbs everything you put on it, and it goes inside of your body and has effects on your cells and DNA. 

Not only does the skin hold everything in, it also plays a crucial role in providing a barrier between the outside world and all the body systems within. It regulates temperature, immune defense, vitamin production and sensation. 

So why are we as a society so focused on applying so many toxic chemicals to it? 

Below you can find DIY recipes made from all natural ingredients and Essential oils to actually help your skin be healthy, happy and free of harmful ingredients. 

Whipped Body Butter

Everyone Loves a good Body Butter, They are easy to make, even easier to apply, DIY saves you a ton of $$$ and you can customize it all day long. Here is my Favorite Body Butter Recipe. . .

note: Go big or go home! this recipe makes 4-6 jars so grab some friends to make it together!

Grab your supplies. .. click the links for my favorite brands of each

Using a double boiler (or just a glass bowl and a pot) , combine all ingredients except essential oils.

Bring to a medium heat and stir constantly until all ingredients are melted. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Move to fridge and let cool another 1 hour or until starting to harden but still somewhat soft.

Add in oils and Use a hand mixer to whip for 10 minutes until fluffy. Return to fridge for 10-15 minutes to set.

Store in a glass jar with a lid and use as you would regular lotion or body butter.

Toxin Free Living

It is said that the average person applies more that 150 chemicals to their body each day, even before breakfast.  We Live in a toxic world and unless we take control of what products come into our homes, are applies to our skin, or are put in the air we breathe, the toxic load will become too much for our bodies and that is where disease begins. 

Cleaning products are one of the biggest culprits of toxic chemical burden in our homes. Even “Green” cleaning products have ingredients you can’t pronounce , or just use cover up words like “fragrance” which can be any number of some 3000 chemicals allowed by the FDA to be used under that word. 

True plant based cleaners, Like Thieves Household Cleaner,  allow you to clean your home without putting your health at risk, and without sacrificing cleaning power, or your wallet.  Affordable, effective and the only cleaner you will even need to buy again. 

Now with that said, not every mess needs to be tackled the same way! Featured below are DIY cleaning recipes using Thieves Cleaner ( and other YL products) as well as the use of other natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, Epsom salt and olive oil. 

Natural Cleaning for the Home!

Check out these DIY Cleaning recipes so that way you can ENJOY cleaning your home without the use of toxic harmful chemicals.

Better for your people, pets and planet! Cleaning with your Oils and a few simple natural around the house products like baking soda and vinegar and you will be making a huge difference on not only your daily health, but also saving a ton of $$$

Internal Use

Young Living Oils are safe and effective to use both topically, aromatically AND internally.

This quick guide will show you how to make capsules and why, how to use you oils to make delicious foods and beverages, and the benefit of sublingual application. 


Gourmet Favorites using your Vitality Oils.

More to Come

Check back soon as I upload lots of recipes for using Vitality oils in your daily life. 


Capsule recipes 




Video Education

Tons of Topics to Choose from just scroll left and right to watch!

Introduction to Oils


Learn what oils are, how they work, what they do and how to buy your own in this quick 30 min video.

**This video was from a Facebook live class and the live giveaway is no longer valid.

More Videos Coming soon

Please check back soon for even more videos

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