
Importance of foundations:

Sadly, we live in a toxic world. Our bodies are bombarded with chemicals and toxins every single day. The food we eat, the water we drink, the products we clean and bathe with, and yes. . . even the pesticides your neighbors spray on their lawns.  Our culture is no better with stressors everywhere we look. Artificial lights, the addiction to technologies, modern convenances that make us inherently lazy.  How does it all affect your body? Your health? Your longevity? 

Working with Clients on the simplest foundations of life can have drastic and dynamic improvements in overall health. 

“Let food be thy medicine” – Hippocrates

Not only is it important to drink enough water every single day, but the quality of your water matters too!

Sleep is something that many people struggle with. For some it’s falling asleep, others staying asleep, and others simply just don’t feel rested no matter how much they get?

There are many ways to improve your sleep but, most often there is a deeper connection as to why you are struggling.



You are what you eat.

We all know the phrase and yet so many people still struggle daily with food choices, diet and nutrition. There are many other factors like genetics, gastrointestinal balance and pH.

But food is also not just about food. It is also our medicine. You can heal through food!


Yes the sun! More important than just Vitamin D, the sun also supports your brain, homrmones and sleep patterns!

If you have ever spent any time in nature, you know that one should never drink from stagnant water. Why? because without movement, the pond fills with scum, bacteria and other unhealthy (and potentially toxic) debris. The human body is the same. Without movement the body becomes stagnant. Stagnation in any system, organ or function can turn quickly into unhealthy and potentially toxic environments. Movement for the body can mean many things. For some it can mean sweaty exercise and for others it could mean saunas, and others simply need their energies cleared.

Stress and Emotions play a HUGE role in how your body functions. The physical body is directly connected to the mind and spirit and all three need to be in a balanced state in order to be your best self.

That’s right. . . everybody poops. . .

. . . and pees. . .

Your Elimination can tell you a lot of things about how your body is working, the energy it’s using, and it’s ability to assymalate the nutrients you eat.

Using Reams Biological Theory of Ionization, the samples you provide can be assesed using scientific methods so that you can make changes and see (and feel) reults!

God created our bodies with the ability to heal, the foods to fuel, the water to cleanse, the plants to aid, and the energy to support us. All healing is done through him.

It is very important to understand that God created our bodies to do magnificent things, including to ability to self-heal. When we bleed, we clot. When we have a physical injury our body swells to protect the area. When we need to expel pathogens, we burn them off through fever. All of these are God’s designs and everything we do at Resonate Wellness Center is meant to support these natural processes. From oils to herbs, frequencies and food. . .God has created them all in order to support his design of us. 

“I have heard your prayers and seen your tears; I will heal you” 2 Kings 20: 5


Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Every energy has a specific frequency.

Quantum physics has proved through the zero-point field that everything. . . and I mean Everything! has a frequency. Think of it as a vibrational fingerprint, unique to its own individual characteristics. There are a number of holistic modalities that harness the power of these frequencies and use them to heal the body. “Like treats like” when it comes to frequency modalities, countering negative charge to positive, creating a balanced state so the body can heal itself.  

Homeopathy is the safe and effective modality that uses plants to infuse water with frequency to counter the frequency of a negative enviroment in the body.

Microcurrent is used to create frequencies within the body to counter the negative frequencies of the body’s enviroment

Zyto scan is a bio communication device that “asks” the body questions to virtual stressors to see how the body responds. This can be helpful to see what body systems need support and balancing.

Energy fields can be blocked in the body from trauma, impact or any phisical injury. Mud packing helps to clear blocked passages so that the energies in the body can flow without hindrence or disrpuition.

The M-Pluse Sunlighten Sauna can provide near, mid and far infrared therapies. Sauna services are an amazing compliment to various naturopathic care elements such as detoxification, pain management, post workout recovery, whole body heath, cardiovascular health, weight management and more. Programs can be customized to the individual’s needs. 

Bach Flowers are homeopathics created with the intention to be used for emotions, actions and mindset. The physical body is connected to the mental/emotional and often times when we do no address our emotions, we will plateau in healing physical aliments. Bach Flowers can help move your emotions and mindset into a balanced state so that you can be your best self in mind body and spirit.




Frequencies & Emotions

Nutrition Foundations

Essential Oils